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Writerly Habits

I get up in the morning and turn on the computer. Today I will write. I will sit down for 15 minutes and get out my freshest, smartest, bestest thoughts. But first I need to make breakfast for the kids. And their lunches. The dogs want out, the chickens need to be fed. The cat just peed in the bathtub. Kids are leaving for school. Kiss them. Say goodbye. Pour a cup of coffee. Walk toward the computer, get distracted by the tumbleweeds of dog hair that need to be swept from the floor. Remember that the dogs need to be walked and fed. The writing will wait. Just 15 more minutes and you’ll be back to sit down for your 15 minutes. You can do this! Return 30 minutes later after walk and 5 small conversations with 5 different neighbors. My coffee is cold. Refill mug. Sit down at the computer. Take a deep breath. I should check my email first. There might be something timely and important. I’ll just get it out of the way and then, then I will write. … A few email responses and Facebook detours later, and it’s an hour later. Now you need to step outside, get away form the computer and breathe. Just a few sun salutations on the back deck to get back your focus. … 20 minutes later, return to your blank page. Sit. Stare at it. Wonder what to write. Open up your folder and browse through your eleventy unfinished pieces, any of which might supply inspiration, none of which do. … Sit. Stare. Now you’re hungry. That’s what I need is food. Just a bite to eat and then I’ll be able to focus. Spend 15 minutes debating what the best brain food is. Decide to eat that Poptart anyway. More coffee. … Now you’re jittery. Now you can’t focus. Shit, what time is it? Definitely way past the time needed to complete that 15 minutes of writing. Compromise and write a grocery list. At least you put words on a page. Consider it good progress and promise to try again tomorrow. …

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